Sunday 17 October 2010

200 Word Multimedia Interest

Spots Versus Stripes Advert


The piece of multimedia that has caught my interest lately is adverts and I have been interested in Cadburys since I did an advertising module when doing BTEC national in Business. I felt that at times Cadburys did not show a great sense of purpose in the adverts and like they were just pushing a new one of the advert production line e.g. Cadbury eyebrow advert. But with the Cadburys Spots Versus Stripes advert I feel that it is quite in tune with what happens in the daily life of the world.  How they connected the nature of sports and the nature of sea life together shows that the competitiveness of humans when competing in sports is fundamentally the same as the food chain of sea life and other wild life, there is just different factors involved. A fundamental in either is that a chain reaction sets and can alter the course of a race and or the end result. I love how they animated this advert which was done in the animation program Maya; the life likeness of the creatures is so surreal it’s amazing.     
I found an article that talks a bit about how the creatures were created and I have got interested into more about how they were created.
I would have done this journal entry earlier than on Monday the 18th of October at 3.41am but the inspiration and the internet actually working took a while to come to me.

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