Thursday 20 October 2011

Essay Research/ Things for Network Diagram..Among other things

I was trying to think of local creative outlets in Derby where I split my time between Home and Uni, when I remembered about the Quad Centre opening some time ago now. So I went on the website see print screen:

Here I found about an online magazine as an creative outlet in Derbyshire called HATCH'D Out. Here is there main website
and I also decided to follow them on twitter so that I could add them to my network diagram.

Through finding this magazine on the Quad Website I discovered that Hatch'd is run by Holly Booth. She has a team of  7 people who all help run the magazine in their spare time. I had a look at all the names and the people who stood out for me was Samantha Eynon and Katherine Cory. I will be looking into Katherine Cory as one of my local practitioners.


Wednesday 12 October 2011

Week 1 - Three Websites

First post of the new year and yet again I have got technical problems and other complicated problems lol. I have currently got no computer of my own and the home computer really does not like interactive or flash websites much. Basically doesnt like hardwork. lol. 

The purpose of this website is to showcase a creative porfolio using inventive techniques to let the user play with the website at their own choice.   

  • Good - I love the fact that this website when you click on a picture it pops up as a seperate window on the website so it lets you focus in a small box rather than eyes wondering around the full screen.
  • Disadvantage of this website is just the fact that the flowers at the bottom pop up over the numbers the different pages and any text that appears occasionally that far down on the website.

At least I got one found, the home computer has decided not to work anymore as it can't cope. Right off now was computer is threatening to shut this all down.

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