Tuesday 26 October 2010

Animation Ident

Never thought I would see the day that I would actually be posting a working ident after all the trouble I have had.

Here it is:


Shopping mall sound - Source:  http://soundbible.com/search.php

Monday 25 October 2010

(300 Word Essay). The millionth version due to my 3D Max having its own mind. Ok down to the good stuff.

When I initially read the brief for the Animation Ident on the first week I was scared shitless this was due to: never using the software and the ideas in my mind were just going blank. But after that first week I looked at the brief with slightly new eyes, I found myself thinking if this was actually a real life situation and I had been asked to create an Ident for a cable channel that was my twitter, blog and facebook account what would I DO? I found myself thinking of the wide range of comments that have been posted in the past on my facebook friend’s pages and one in particular came to mind: SHE SAID WHAT!!! This phrase got me the gossip theme for my Ident which includes red pout lips, the book and the open room.  
The genre that I wanted my work to portray for my Ident was a fly on the wall documentary, a type of documentary that is an observational representation of what an individual or individuals get up to.  The fly on the wall theme was chosen because it is where people can express themselves; this is one symbol of the book. Big Brother was a fly on the wall documentary and it reminded me of what it can be like on facebook.
Symbolism of the lips is that gossip happens an awful lot on facebook. The red lips indicates girls are passionate about talking, having an opinion. Gossip is linked to freedom of speech in the sense that you should be free to say what you want but with gossip it can get twisted and be further from the truth. This happens in daily life and is extremely common on the internet.        

Sunday 24 October 2010


I have nearly spent 32 hours after class and on days off doing my ident yet when I saved my ident on friday it chose not to save the work that I spent all day doing. Similar has happened a couple of times throughout the week.

I am seriously fed up and hope I can get it done on monday. 

Sunday 17 October 2010

200 Word Multimedia Interest

Spots Versus Stripes Advert

Source: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=a37MnPcc9Ok

The piece of multimedia that has caught my interest lately is adverts and I have been interested in Cadburys since I did an advertising module when doing BTEC national in Business. I felt that at times Cadburys did not show a great sense of purpose in the adverts and like they were just pushing a new one of the advert production line e.g. Cadbury eyebrow advert. But with the Cadburys Spots Versus Stripes advert I feel that it is quite in tune with what happens in the daily life of the world.  How they connected the nature of sports and the nature of sea life together shows that the competitiveness of humans when competing in sports is fundamentally the same as the food chain of sea life and other wild life, there is just different factors involved. A fundamental in either is that a chain reaction sets and can alter the course of a race and or the end result. I love how they animated this advert which was done in the animation program Maya; the life likeness of the creatures is so surreal it’s amazing.     
I found an article that talks a bit about how the creatures were created and I have got interested into more about how they were created.
I would have done this journal entry earlier than on Monday the 18th of October at 3.41am but the inspiration and the internet actually working took a while to come to me.

Wednesday 13 October 2010

OMG, spent like four hours in room 105 in waverly doing the ident work for animation and I am still here lol. I think it is time to stop because I am going crazy and a serious headache is coming. I am glad these four hours have been productive as I felt more comfortable with the software even if am still not quite sure what am doing haha. I have ended up producing some animation work today that I think will be the making of my final piece for this three week animation project. Still abit to go but a think fingers crossed that this is going to be a good piece of work.  

P.S- Please everyone wish for my interent to arrive because I am going nuts without being able to get on lol.

Ident so far: 

  • A room with three walls and the front view is open.
  • The red hot lips represent gossip and since our ident is about twitter, facebook and blogs it seemed quite fitting for the scenario.   

Possiable ideas for ident

I just played around with the idea of trying to get the words to bounce in the water but it did not quite work the way I wanted.  However I do like what I achieved for the fact that the text did what I wanted for the end result it just did not bounce in the water like I first pictured.


This link  represents what I achieved to create in the 2nd week of the three week animation project.

Tuesday 12 October 2010

Wednesday 6 October 2010

My Design Process - Jools context 1 activity

My Design Process

When I was on my gap year I decided to go on the BTEC First in Art and Design to acquire more skills in the Art field. The Bauhaus, a school of Art and Design which was based in Germany and the Bauhaus Archive/ Museum of Design and this was one of the topics that was running through all subject areas within the course. The assignment I am going to talk about is the subject areas of graphics and how it came about. 

 In a studio session I produced an A2 sheet of cartridge paper that had six different designs for logos that were presented as thumbnail sketches that included the words Bauhaus Archive incorporated in the design. Mediums that were used in the thumbnail sketches were Gouache paint, crayons and watercolours.  Once these six logos were complete that then meant I could get on with producing the specific outcome to the specific subject area in art.  Screenshots that shows my design process:

Some of the tools that I used to create my logo:
  • Move tool
  • Shape tool
  • Copy a shape: CTRL + Click - Duplicate layer.
  • Command and T = Flipping a shape around.
  • Screen Grab = Shift, CMD and 3. I create screen grabs of all my layers so that I could look back and see how I created different parts of the logo in each of the layers.  
  •  Type tool: I used a Bauhaus font so that the writing would fit in with my Bauhaus theme for my logo.

Final version of logo

I did have development pictures of different design but at this current time it will not let me upload these two pictures.

For Graphics I was required to design a logo on the Apple Macs that could be used on a number of items in the Bauhaus Archive shop. I used the logo design that I had chosen to do in print and simplified it so that there were less triangles on the logo and the composition of these and other shapes were not conflicting or causing confusion on the logo. This was so that it could be reproduced more easily in Adobe Photoshop. The artist that I took inspiration from was Wassily Kandinsky for this logo and the print logo mentioned previously as his bold sense of colour and shape was inspiring and his designs were the best to mould and interpret into my own piece of work. The creation of my logo was to retain the feel and aspects of Kandinsky but get a simpler and professional look. The logo was first printed out as an A4 final logo and then it was adapted into a repeat pattern so that it could be used as a wrapping paper in the Bauhaus gift shop in the Bauhaus Archive. The wrapping paper was printed out on A3 size paper.     

First Animation Lesson - 5/10/10

Wow that was defenitialy confusing and interesting at the same time. The lesson was really fast for me and would have liked more worksheets to start animation off with as it was very daunting and even though my bouncing word sort of worked it was not what was meant to be the end result.

The software I found was difficult becuase I have never used it before so it is just going to take time and practice.

I really hope I get my support sorted soon as then I will be able to get all the help I need in and out of class so that I can do well.