Friday 8 February 2013

Corliss Blakely Interview Answers

what is your opinion of traditional art?

I don”t know quite how to answer this question.

Traditional art is different for everyone.

Art is life! We create it . We are surrounded by it.

what is your opinion of digital art?

I think its the new canvas for artist!

What led you to use an ipad to create art?

I had seen a few artist paint on the iPhone so I just bought an app and fell in love
painting on it.

Do you think you require traditional art skills in order to create digital art?

No. I go to Nicaragua and show children the iPad for the first time and they start to
create paintings on it immediately.

does your painting/ traditional art skills enhance the work that you do on the iPhone
and the ipad?

As a professional artist, I have the advantage of years of painting and techniques . I
paint on the iPad just like its an oil. The only difference is I don't have to wait days for
the layers to dry.

Do you find the iPhone or the ipad easier to use ?, do you have a preference to which
do you use?

When I first started I used the iPhone ,however, now I only paint on the iPad. The iPad
painting apps are much more powerful than the iPhone apps. Also I prefer the larger

Can the same effects be be created on an ipad, as with a paintbrush?

That all depends what app you are using. It is hard to get the effect of an oil painting
with the textures of the brushstrokes. Many of my iPad paintings look like my oils and
watercolors. When I’m painting in oils, I have very smooth surface and show no brush
strokes... So I can get the same effect on the iPad.

Do you prefer traditional painting or ipad art / iPhone art?

I prefer working in oils ,but I love painting on the iPad. As a professional oil painter, I
was confined to my studio for years. Now, with the iPad it has opened up a whole new
canvas for artists. It has enabled me to leave the studio and paint anywhere and
anytime without the burden of carrying around paints, canvases, brushes, and toxic
mediums that I have used for years.

in your opinion is digital art equally as viable as traditional art?

No,but I think it will have a place in History.

do you think technology is enabling better ways of creating art?

Yes, I think it will allow more people to be able to get into art. All you need is an iPhone
or an iPad.

do you think digital art in education is important?

yes, I think that more should be done in the schools.

would you say a novice would require teaching in order to successfully use ipad/
iphone drawing apps ?

Maybe a little to get use to the app.... but I find that everyone feels free painting on the
iPad or iPhone.

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