Sunday 13 March 2011

Influence for Context One Visual Essay

I wasnt to do the Interactive Media pathway in my second year and for my essay I wanted to go back to basics for some of it i.e. not using computers for all of it and maybe using photography in it. This is because I like to show how different types of mediums can be mixed. I would like to create an essay that has layers of pictures, going from public through to private the deeper you go.  

When I went to tutorial a couple of weeks ago I was told about a Film called Blow Up (made in 1966) by writer and director Michelangelo Antonioni. I was shown this picture: 


In this shot of the film is where the fashion photographer character has got a layered effect going on with different fashion models behind screens with a diagonal effect. I like this shot in the film because of the way the picture is taken with the layering as it is showing a sybolism of hidden depth, that there can be things there that are not seen at first glance/ thought. I like this shot also because of the way that picture to me is blown up so you can see the models in it but also because the actual photographer is in the shot too being seen taking the photograph.  

1 comment:

  1. Hi, you may not be aware that the concept of having the artist/photographer included within the shot is sometime described as the "Meta-Subject" as in this example of Vermeer's painting here are some other examples
