Thursday 9 December 2010

INTERACTIVE SPACE finished on 2/12/10

A previous sequence that was a set of 5 pictures telling a food story influenced my design ( It triggered other thoughts off about food and came to the conclusion that I wanted 100% to do Subway. The only problem was I could not decide what to doL. So in Andrews Tuesday class for the second week of Interactive Space he asked us all what we were doing and I said FOOD to which everyone laughed ;-) to which I went on to say Subway. Andrew asked around the class to see if there was any possible ideas that be linked to Subway to which Jordan Brooks came to my rescue ;-) and said how about a sort of like a menu style so like go through the stages of me deciding what  subway sandwich I want or something to that affect with a twist. I so excited by this idea that Jordan got a big high five but the mood did not last long. This was due to when I went into Subway and asked if I could take a selection of pictures of the breads and the salads they said no. So I had to come up with a second idea. The second idea behind my Interactive Space Website was a story about two friends that are at home and one of the mentions that they would be hungry. (IT WAS ME THAT WAS HUNGRY FIRST ;-), CHATBURN JOINED IN). Then there is a journey throughout where they are at home to find if there was any food that can be eaten. This journey then carries on into the outside world as Me and Chatburn try to find a remedy to our hunger. Areas of interest in the interactive space: Mystery, suspense, food, making you think, showing things that you like off - food which came from a fun memory from when me
and one of ma best friends were in Derby city centre on a dinner break.   

Sites that I have looked at:


  1. yo !

    good points :
    i think the links and the hotspots were easy to find, which was sound cos ive been lookin like a right idiot on some peoples haha stugglin to find where to click. i really like the subway idea you were on about aswell, think i remember u sayin in class, that wouldve been really good. and the original squence you did of the pizza thing was nice. like quite simple and understated but i really liked it :)

    areas to work on :
    i think the quality of the photos was abit iffy, i fully struggled with this, not got a clue about photography haha so i jus used my phone and the sizin messed me up. dunno if that was lack of time kinda thing.maybe develop the story further ? i was abit confused as to like what the i was learning, or getting out of it, like no conclusion kind of thing.

    hope this is alright feedback matey

  2. Yeah thats good mate, better than what a though a was gonna get lol. Yeah a used ma blackberry phone for most of them because ma camera suddenly R.I.PD itself lol. yeah timewise was an issue bec when ma camera broke was quite late on in the three weeks and being the last group felt a tight squeeze. A did think people might think that, was just aiming to show a journey in my life and the quirks ;-)

  3. Very good Rachelle. I liked the air of mystery and suspense that you have created in telling your story, it made you think something was going to come out and make you jump. The bleak look of the pictures taken added to the mystery. Some of the links were a little hard to find and it got a little frustrating searching around but having said that it is not a bad comment as it added to the suspense of the journey as did the wrong turn link.
